Before the treatment of any disease, it is necessary to perform the cleaning of the body, after which they are going many of the problems.
Excellent effect of the purification of the body herbal comprehensively by the scheme, but selectively.
If the man looked towards the inside of itself, immediately he would have realised the cause of their poor health. You would be able to see the inside of your bowel to 10 kg of stool or 1-2 liters of mucus, similar to the algae, which hormiguean worms. Strange growths on the walls of the large intestine, similar to jellyfish or mushrooms, so you can see the polyps. In your abdominal cavity, especially in the lower part of the abdomen, would be the accumulation of mucus.
Especially touched You views of the liver, Filled with stones wide variety of colors, polluted the soil. Many in the kidney has a little sand, and some are clogged with stones. The lungs filled with mucus, and maxillary sinuses full of a large amount of pus.
People over the age of 40 years with the surprise of to have found that approximately ⅓ of the cells in your body of steel of age and do not fulfill their functions. A part of them died and their decomposition poisons the body.
The peculiar odor indicates in this process! In addition, we have reviewed dirty blood and much more, which astonished her.
After seeing all this, immediately, you would know that hurts the heart of the poisoned blood, bad digestion — dirty liver, loss of vision and hearing of trapped in the head of pus, and the hernia, and gender, the weakness came from the accumulated in the lower part of the abdomen of the mucus. All of this is treated with medication, but first of all, there is that shovel physical dirt from your body.
- The release of the parasites, germs, fungi and bacteria
- The release of the polyps in the intestine, constipation, papillomas
- The purification of the intestines, the liver, the gallbladder, the pancreas.
- The excretion of salts from the joints
- The purification of the blood and the vessels
- The purification of the lungs and bronchi
- The purification of the kidneys
- Increased immunity
Invisible world of the parasites. The release of the parasites, germs, fungi and bacteria
Have No fear of shock to learn the truth about your body: that in 10-15% of the weight affected worms of different species. You know about 20 thousand of helminths, infect humans. While the strong man and the young parasites do not create special problems of health, but with time, the parasites will weaken your love more and more, the sedimentation and colonization by one or other organ. Jerks and blocking the vessels, lay the foundation for a stroke, cardiovascular disease, cancer or diabetes, multiple sclerosis, acute cholecystitis, the dyskinesia, cirrhosis of the liver. Is the disease of 3-4 species of worms, giardia, fluke feline, fascioliasis. Chronicles of the nagging, bronchitis, pneumonia, and infections are the result of the colonization of the alveoli of the lungs of the larvae of paragonimoses. The parasites in the process of life distinguish both from harmful substances and toxic that the body is forced to produce fat to dissolve. The holders of a wide lentetsa and bull tsepnja — most bulk of the people. The holders of horseshoe tsepnja in the body much the papillomas. Systemic — the colonization of the intestine non-symbiotic (foreign) of micro-organisms. Released from the trematode parasites, you will begin to restore the fat and water as a solvent of mud, and immediately you need to clean the intestine and the liver, gallbladder, to remove the dead parasites.
The release of polyps in the small intestine, the colon, the stomach, papillomas, constipation
To digest the proteins gather into a ball and drop down on the right ascending part of the colon "emergency", and at each meal, it will add new fecal lumps, stacks up to 40 kg in the folds of-the pockets of the decades. Starts the rot, and suction the system of the colon leads into the body of toxins, carcinogens, slags, products of putrefaction, which are deposited in the walls of the circulatory system. In addition, the intestine is stretched, deformed, compressed, and shifted in their seats organs of the abdominal cavity — the spleen, the stomach, the pancreas. When you restore the sigmoid colon develop uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, flexion of the uterus. Compressed the arteries, veins, nerves. Develop hemorrhoids-varicose around colon, the constipation, the men, prostatitis, impotence. If you have a body there are polyps, pendant dots, especially on the neck, under the arms, etc, is said to have polyps in the intestine of barely visible tuber up to 3-4 cm of diameter. The polyps are not. When you hold down the existence of the cells of polyps may become cancerous. On average, one out of every five of the polyps will become cancer.
The purification of the body (the gut, liver, gallbladder, pancreas)
The liver cleanse begins with the four days of the preparation based on herbs, while the stones are dissolved partially, become soft, and the bile ducts are expanded. The occlusion of the vas excluded, if the preparation for the procedure performed in strict compliance with the with the scheme of treatment. These days you can work. On the fifth day begins the cleaning. You will be in a state of shock, when their eyes you will see that you will. During the morning of the cleansing of the bowel out up to 10 kg of mud, when 1-2 bowel movement— will fecal remnants, worms, mucus. All day is clean the liver, the gall-bladder: it will dissolved stones in the form of gelatin or play-doh, yellow cereals, pus, the seeds, the film (precancerous). As you can not be sick, that takes all of this in himself of years? The purification continues two weeks. During this time, you lose up to 10 kg of weight reduces the stomach. The most effective way of cleansing the liver, it is recommended to perform this procedure 4 times, once each quarter, and then once a year in the spring.
The human body — a self-regulatory mechanism, that when the pollution is not able to fulfill its function, and the person gets sick. Under the shower, bathing each day, and in the interior? That is why the attempt to get rid of the disease with the help of pills do not give a result and different expensive creams and masks do not improve the skin of the face. Wrinkles becomes even more, and each one of them corresponds to slagging of one or another organ. The wrinkles of the upper lip indicate the oppression of the gut, bags under the eyes covered the kidneys and so on, As if you want to buy an expensive cream? It is not easier to eliminate the cause of the wrinkles of aging of your skin, cleaning the body? The result of the removal of the body of the parasites, poisons and toxins, normalizes metabolism, the function of the glands of internal secretion, the weight of the body, disappear allergic phenomenon of the apathy, headaches. Increase work capacity, flexibility, interest in life, improves color of the face, it will rejuvenation, smoothed out the wrinkles.
The purification method is prevention.
Almost all people it is recommended that the method of purification of the body, with the object of prevention. In the process of many years of use of rights of side effects have not been disclosed.